| In this box you determine the resolution at which the picture is calculated, independent of the display window. This permits calculation to any resolutions from 32 x 32 to 6000 x 6000 pixels. Please remember that technical complexity is not necessarily very meaningful. An extremely complex picture that at a resolution of 640* 480 pixels requires a rendering time of, say, 10 minutes, will, at a resolution of 6000* 6000 points - corresponding to 117 times the number of pixels - require almost 20 hours rendering time. The same is also true for the required storage area. A picture of 640* 480 pixels with all effects switched on needs 2.5 MB while rendering for the picture and effect-buffers (maximum 9 byte per picture-point, if all effects like light reflections and depth of focus are switched on). At a resolution of 6000* 6000 pixels would require memory space of about 300 MB.